Manage your risk with an Equifax Business Failure Score

More than 100,000 small businesses have closed forever as the nation’s pandemic toll escalates, according to a study by researchers at the University of Illinois, Harvard Business School, Harvard

Washington Post

While many parts of the economy have begun to hum again, many small businesses are still struggling and report needing further economic aid and stimulus to survive.

“If economic trends continue at this rate, one in five business owners anticipates they won’t make it until the end of the year.”

Kevin Kuhlman, the vice president of federal government relations for the National Federation of Independent Business

As a commercial lender, it’s more important than ever that you have a complete view of your commercial applicants so that you can manage risk quickly and efficiently. The Equifax Business Failure Score reports the likelihood that a business will cease operations with debt to creditors within the next 12 months due to formal or informal bankruptcy.

The Business Failure Score utilizes the power of the Equifax Commercial Credit Database, combined with firmographics and negative public record information (where available) from more than 30 million US businesses.