How many business owners are hiding in your consumer base?

Many small businesses are formed by individuals who fund them using traditional consumer credit resources. That’s where the potential for cross-selling commercial services exists. With Equifax EFX Link™, you can identity which of your consumers are linked to small businesses.

This powerful solution uses sophisticated data-linking technology to connect data from Equifax’s small-business databases and consumer files to give you an expanded view of consumers who are also business owners or principals—and the businesses that might be associated with them.

This increased visibility helps you better estimate their need for your small-business products, make on-target offers, generate stronger response rates, and optimize the full relationship potential.

According to Equifax research, up to 21% of some financial institutions’ consumers could also be potential small-business owners.

EFX Link tracks and consolidates consumer and business information into one accurate, cohesive view, which helps you work more efficiently and stay in sync with your consumers’ needs.