
The intel you need to make confident business decisions.

Confluent Strategies Helps $27B Regional Bank Meet FCRA Compliance

Disclosure Fulfillment Service Lightens Regulatory Burden CLIENT INSIGHT: MISSISSIPPI-BASED REGIONAL BANK AUTOMATES COMPLIANCE DISCLOSURE FULFILLMENT The Challenge Two federal laws — the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), as implemented by Regulation B, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) — reflect Congress’s determination that consumers and businesses applying for credit should receive notice of the […]

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Confluent Strategies Represents Equifax for Alabama and Florida

Corporate expansion provides additional in-person support to Southeast region credit grantors Why Confluent Strategies, and Why Now? Equifax continues to be the leading global source of consumer and commercial risk information, with unmatched uptime and speed of returned requests. As Equifax continues to specialize its workforce, Confluent Strategies is playing a key role in providing […]

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Confluent Strategies Represents Equifax for Arkansas

Corporate expansion provides additional in-person support to Arkansas credit grantors Why Confluent Strategies, and Why Now? Equifax continues to be the leading global source of consumer and commercial risk information, with unmatched uptime and speed of returned requests. As Equifax continues to specialize its workforce, Confluent Strategies is playing a key role in providing ground-level […]

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Marketing Live Checks

Improving Net Interest Margin with Qualified Unsecured Borrowers Averaging over 80% loan-to-share nationwide, credit unions have critical mass in consumer lending and are poised to eclipse $1 trillion in loans. But where’s the margin? At an average 0.90% ROA, most credit unions are asking themselves how to build their members’ equity in efficient and safe […]

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