
Resources tagged "Consumer Finance"

Serving consumers in an uncertain market

Tips for getting proactive in an unsettled economy We’re three months into 2023, and many consumers are experiencing decreased tax returns, more frequent overdraft charges, dwindling savings, and other financial obstacles. How can you help consumers weather the storm without losing revenue? How can you make the best of an uncertain market? Implement an early-intervention […]

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Consumers want a financial wellness experience.

Are you the trusted advisor your consumers need? In the current economy, many consumers are worried about finances and could use support in the way of financial education and money management tools. If your business can provide that, you will likely win the consumer satisfaction game. Beyond digital solutions and fast, convenient service, many Americans now […]

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Adapt your business goals to ethnic + generational shifts.

Assess relevant new data to meet consumer changes To adapt to consumer needs and preferences, you and your business must be aware of how the population is changing. There are two key demographic shifts to keep in mind: consumer diversity and generational trends. Consumers in the U.S. are becoming more ethnically diverse, and younger consumers […]

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Turn fraud loss into increased revenue

Nine benefits of fraud detection + prevention The benefits of fraud detection and prevention boil down to one important thing: more revenue. If you don’t do anything to detect and prevent fraud, you stand to lose a significant amount of money. But if you prioritize fraud detection and prevention, you’re likely to increase revenue and grow […]

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How well are you marketing to Gen Z?

We want to help you attract and retain Gen Z consumers. But how much do you know about this group, whose oldest members have graduated college and entered the workforce? The Financial Brand has some great insights into the behaviors and preferences of Gen Z, such as: Different generations require different strategies; don’t get caught in a […]

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Comply with regulations + minimize losses.

When you partner with Confluent Strategies + Equifax, you get the very best compliance solutions and regulatory expertise. We design our solutions to withstand the highest levels of scrutiny, and we’re here to serve as an expert advisor if your organizational compliance is ever questioned. Benefits of streamlined compliance services Equifax offers a robust suite […]

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Seeing more delinquencies lately? 

As the market continues to inflate, you will likely experience an increase in delinquencies. As such, you might also need help with collections to avoid costly charge-offs. We have a solution to help you capture more past-due payments! When you leverage a solution like Verification of Employment (VOE) from The Work Number® (TWN) and Equifax, you […]

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Make the most of consumers’ momentous occasions.

Life events are important marketing triggers. Significant life events like weddings and home buying often bring planned and unplanned expenses along with them. You can meet consumers where they are if you’re attune to their behavioral signals. But you might ask, “How do I pinpoint where my consumers are on their life journeys?” We can […]

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Kount brings focus to digital fraud prevention + detection.

E-commerce fraud has evolved and increased with the rise in online commerce having accelerated since 2020. By 2024, e-commerce merchants may lose an estimated $24 billion to online payments fraud. Although e-commerce fraud increases are nothing new, bad actors are launching more sophisticated fraud attacks. Common types of e-commerce fraud include payments fraud, friendly fraud, account takeover […]

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Are you prepared for an economic slowdown?

The “R” word can’t be ignored. Get prepared now! As growth slowed in 2019, we were reminded of the Great Recession of 2009, and we are increasingly on the lookout for the next one. According to some economists, it’s a question of when—not if—a recession will arrive. Now’s the time to prepare so you’re not […]

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